Child participation is one of KidsRights main values, and of course also during the nomination process of the International Children´s Peace Prize 2018 this is implemented. Besides the 5 members of the expert committee, there are also 2 members of the advisory committee. These two members are KidsRights Youngsters and will help the expert committee by giving their advice.

This year the two advisory members are Neha Gupta, winner of the International Children´s Peace Prize 2014, and Mohamad Al Jounde, winner of the International Children´s Peace Prize 2017. They are going to have influence on the winner of the prize.
So the winner of the 2018 International Children´s Peace Prize will not only be handpicked by an expert committee, two former winners have participated in the decision making as well.
Mohamad and Neha, good luck with this tough task! We trust you will make some good decisions.