Our Action Programs Nkosi’s Haven Village Every year about 160.000 children are newly infected with HIV. Children that have been infected with HIV, or children of parents with HIV often are… Pay it forward In this project, The Chaeli Campaign trains children between the ages of nine and fourteen on their communication skills and leadership qualities. Child Help Desks The Child Help Desks receive and identify cases of violence against children. Higher Secondary Education for Girls In Pakistan there is still a lot of poverty. The traditional views on gender roles play a big part in the lack of education for girls. Khpal Kor… Justice for child victims The right to be protected against all forms of violence is one of the fundamental rights of the child. The implementation of the UN Convention on the… Gharsah Center Many refugee children do not have access to education. Children from war zones often have a ‘gap’ in their education, because they were… Preventing sexual violence The KidsRights Report ‘The Silent Majority’ shows that the most occurring form of violence in Liberia is sexual violence against girls.… Ideator Project Organization: Without Borders (Youth Led) Project: Ideator Country: Sri Lanka Objective: With the Ideater Project, Without Borders gives… Protecting Child Rights through Child Participation With support of KidsRights our local partner BBA can rescue around hundreds of children a year from bonded labour. SDG Youth Impact Conference Organization: Green Hope (Youth Led) Project: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Youth Impact Conference Country: Canada Objective:… I CARE FOR PEACE With this project, our partner BRAVE want to promote peace and stop violence in their community. Art Attacks SAFE SCHOOLS & COMMUNITIES - This project gives workshops to youth in prison to teach these youth that their voice matters.