Picture – Ahnaf Abrar Husain


Nominated by Community Development for Peace - CDP

All 2022 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Ahnaf is very passionate about social service activities. Ahnaf founded “DRMC Social Service Club” with his two friends. As the founding member of the social service organisation Bhoroshasthol”, Ahnaf has founded numerous projects in the form of distributing essential food packages among the needy, donation of winter clothes, COVID-19 awareness campaigns and distribution of masks and other safety materials during the pandemic. Ahnaf has also collaborated on the ongoing Humanitarian Leadership Project with Community Development for Peace (CDP) which aims to build a platform for all students intending to build leadership skills and contribute to the society. Ahnaf has taking strides to find permanent solutions, and through “2 TakarHashi” project, he has given vans and sewing machines to the unemployed people in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Through self-organised projects and collaborative projects with other organisations, his actions have helped over 4,000 people and he has been able to spread the message of warmth and hope to many more.