Aleida picture


Nominated By Ibero-American Commission for Human Rights for the development of the Americas

All 2020 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Aleida suffered from bullying from her teacher in pre-school. Aleida is the winner of State Prize of Youth (Oaxaca, 2017), Golden Garland Jose Vasconcelos 2018, Acknowledgement by the Ibero-American Commission for Human Rights 2019, Youth Prize of the Municipality of Oaxaca 2019, Gold Parchment Andres Henestrosa 2020. She organized different activities in Mexico for children with cancer, workshops in prison for female inmates and for their children. As a ballet dancer, Aleida has starred in and led the previous: ‘Missing my mother’ where she raised awareness on cancer prevention and donated the money from the tickets to two children with cancer; ‘About a dream’ where she invited groups of vulnerable children; she also had dance shows for elderly in nursing homes. She is instructor in a Ballet, Corporal Expression and Fitness Training workshop held at the Women’s Rehabilitation Center for women in prison and their children. She is currently leading in Oaxaca the Ballet Workshop for Men designed for children belonging to low-income families. She started this initiative as part of her fight for gender equality. Due to her actions, Aleida helped vulnerable children, women in prison and their children recreate and promote art .