Christopher picture (1)


Nominated by Chaeli Campaign

All 2020 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Christopher is a long-distance open water swimmer who uses his abilities to create awareness around the physical struggle of endurance swimming to provide insight into the perpetual struggle of mental illness. He founded Swim For Change, a non-profit organisation in 2015 to address the lack of mental health education and support for youth through 12-hour Swimathons and mental health workshops. Swim For Change has hosted six 12-Hour Swimathons and hosts regular workshops for young people. He runs a Literacy For Self Esteem project, which has provided over 300 young children from under-resourced and at-risk schools, with alphabet letters, made from recycled bottle tops to make learning to read easier. Christopher works with schools to encourage mental health activism and campaign for school mental health policies. Christopher was named a Global Teen Leader 2020 by the We Are Family Foundation, New York for his work as a mental health advocate.