

Nominated by Local Deputy for the IV District of the State of Morelos

All 2022 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

During the pandemic Danya realized that the youth was going through moments of loss due to the death of a family member, anxiety or depression due to quarantine. She founded her first art school, to give youth a healthy outlet. Furthermore, the struggle for female empowerment motivated Danya to promote the active participation of women in science, art and other areas.  Danya, founded at the age of 15, a Free and Visual School of Arts, within the context of the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. The creation of this project aims to guarantee the right to health in girls, children, adolescents and young people. Danya has given drawing workshops in places such as “Patios de La Estación” and in public schools in the State of Morelos, such as technical secondary school number 23 of Colonia Antonio Barona. Danya’s plans aim to bring art to all the states of the Mexican Republic as a method of building more peaceful societies.