After witnessing the declining environmental situation in Honduras, Francisco wanted to implement actions that improve the environment of Honduras. Francisco’s motivation is to guarantee right to health for each child, but to also create a space for each child to participate in creating a healthier environment. In 2019, together with his two younger brothers, Fernando Josué and Fabricio Joel, Francisco started the Jum Te Rum project, which means paper, tree and earth, as an initiative to obtain the Messenger of Peace World Scout Program badge. The idea behind the project is helping the environment through reforestation, recycling and the purpose of educating and raising awareness among young people on the subject of climate change. Simultaneously, Francisco works virtually with young scouts and high school students, training them on issues related to climate change and the environment. Simultaneously, Francisco works virtually with young scouts and high school students, training them on issues related to climate change and the environment. He is currently coordinating the research and development of a proposal for the modification of the educational curriculum for grades 1st to 9th grade, this proposal would seek that the issue of climate change and the participation of children be addressed in a broader way in natural science classes.