Guileda lives in a hostile environment for the schooling of children, especially girls. When they are enrolled, the majority do not go beyond secondary school. Among other things, at their second menstruation, they are forced to marry. Furthermore, Guileda became aware of the hard work that children are forced to do to support themselves. Consequently, Guileda is committed to the needs of children in poor countries to have access to quality education. At the end of each year, Guileda organizes a competition called “Christmas, Children’s Rights”. During this event, children from different schools compete on topics related to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The aim is for the children to learn about and defend their rights while having fun. In addition, Guileda advocates to the authorities at various levels for the protection of children. It includes advocacy for peaceful elections in Benin, advocacy for the projection of children against COVID-19, installation of children’s councils in Benin’s communes, organization of citizenship reinforcement sessions, etc. Because of her work, collaborations are being made for better protection of children (e.g., between the children of Atacora and the juvenile judge of Natitingou), and children are being consulted for the development of projects concerning them. Girls speak up more and people gradually understand the importance of education for girls.