All four girls come from a rather poor background. They found it necessary to speak up for their fellow girls who are oppressed and considered the “weaker” sex, often missing school and ending up being teen mothers. HerStory LitClub girls formed a group in their school and led them into starting the project “Girls For School”. They expressed their concern of having many friends not returning to school due to lack of sanitary pads. They have trained girls and mothers (90) in their community on how to make reusable sanitary pads. They have also contacted different NGOs that can help educating girls who have dropped out of school. With the assistance of mentors, they have helped other young girls to grow self-esteem and fight against boy bullying in schools, through literacy clubs where they meet 2 hours once a week to read stories of courage. In the five schools where the group has educated and sensitized against girl child bullying, the number of school dropouts among girls because of bullying has zeroed and the number of school dropouts among girls due to lack of sanitary pads has reduced.