

Nominated by: Instituto de la Juventud del Estado de Oaxaca  

All 2019 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Bryant Leomar is from an indigenous community located in the north part of the state of Oaxaca, one of the most impoverished and uneducated areas of Mexico. While many people in this area do not have big dreams for the future, Leomar is different in that he has wanted to become an activist and human right defender since he was 9 years old. He is part of many youth organisations, among others the Youth Advisory Group of Mexico and the Inter America Children’s Institute, where he is one of four Mexican representatives. He has held workshops and forums, talking about Human Rights and organising “Colour Your Dreams”, where indigenous children can express their rights. He collected more than 700 school books. Bryant donates them to marginalized communities in the region.  He also created a website called Leomar Ruiz Blog, the main objective of which is to publish human rights articles, written by children and young people in Mexico.