Picture 2 – Mouhib Regzui


Nominated by Regional Commissariat of the women, of the family, children

All 2022 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Muhib’s commitment to children’s rights emanates from his will to hear the voices of those who are often not listened to, and to help them overcome the difficulties they meet at social, health and school levels. Muhib is not just about participating but creating tangible change, in 2020 he was involved in the creation of a municipal council for children and opening of a pyrography club intended to assist children in the situation of school dropout. He is also designated Ambassador of Childhood by the International Association for the Protection of Children’s Rights Mediterranean.  Muhib has been recognised for his tireless work in children’s rights by obtaining the Associations of Canadian Federations, a certificate for his participation in the project devoted to the involvement of women in avant-garde roles in society and decorated with the insignia of childhood and peace by the International Union Human Rights child, from Tunisia. In the future, Muhib plans to design ideas to facilitate the integration of children in their cities, by creating projects likely to promote the development cities and the well-being of the inhabitants.