Munim picture


Nominated By Sayed Mahbub Hasan Amiri

All 2020 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Munim is a children rights activist who founded the non-profit organization called ‘Tigers of Bangladesh’ with the aim of fulfilling and ameliorating the lives of street children in Bangladesh. Broken by the death of his two childhood friends who died because of lack of food and medicine on the streets, he made an oath to achieve equal rights for street children all over the world. Among his various campaigns and direct intervention activities, he founded a school in his area to teach street children and illiterate parents of rural children. Munim continues to raise awareness about street children through articles and lectures in different print media and other rallies, radio stations and tv channels. He also won many national awards for his activities and deeds. In 2017 he raised $18966 USD and donated it for the purposes of the development and fulfillment of the rights of street children. As a recipient of several awards he wishes to continue working for street children through advocacy and raising awareness.