Neema is a natural leader. She has been an active member of the Mwanza Young Reporters since 2015 and Mwanza Children’s Council since 2016, where she is now the Chairperson. Growing up in Mwanza and witnessing grave violations of children’s rights, she decided to take action. As a Young Reporter, Neema, along with her fellow reporters, produced and aired weekly a live radio show on Metro FM in Mwanza through their “Sayari ya Watoto’” (Children’s Planet) radio show, reaching an estimated 500,000 listeners. Until 2018 they also produced weekly TV shows on Barmedas TV through their “Baraza la Watoto” (Children’s Council) TV show, reaching approximately 1,000,000 viewers. They focus on child rights and responsibilities. Neema is the spokesperson for her fellow children in Mwanza Region. She helps building capacity of children members from street level, ensuring they are aware of their rights. She works closely with local government authorities and civil society organizations to ensure children’s voices are heard. Moreover, she helped a girl escape child marriage and abuse, which also finished school afterwards.

Nominated by Mwanza Youth and Children Network - MYCN
All 2019 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees