Picture – Ratna Singh


Nominated by Dr. Anurag Singh

All 2022 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Ratna came across research that stipulated that during Covid-19 pandemic that people living in villages/farmers were less affected. Ratna decided to visit government schools in the village and found these students are healthier and more active than students living in cities.  Ratna realised that students living in the cities suffer from more health issues and that it is directly connected to a polluted environment. This motivated Ratna to build a Safety Valve website and community to promote sustainable life for children in cities and high societies. Ratna started a 6-month digital campaign named “Shikshit Bharat” to support the organisation running for Children’s Rights. Under this campaign, she published anthologies by collecting articles from people for free. Apart from the above, Ratna has also written a research paper on the topic “Role of media in women harassment” to stand for cyber bullying. This research got success with 98% positivity and highlighted child sexual abuse which occurred digitally. Ratna has received several awards in Interschool Debate competitions and has compiled four books and worked as a co-author in three. Ratna is planning to convert her website into an application and promote it, so more children can adopt eco-friendly & sustainable life.