Reece is determined to provide access to proper skills development for preschool children in under-resourced communities. He became a Chaeli Campaign Ambassador in 2014 and actively became involved. He established his youth-led NGO, Earth Kids Org (EKO) in 2019, when he was 15 years old. EKO focuses on empowering and educating youth through environmental awareness, recycling and sustainability. EKO participates in greening public space, reducing single use plastic, education about recycling & EcoBricking. EKO collects recyclable items, turns them into early childhood development (ECD) tools and games and distributes them to under-resourced communities. The communities and ECD centres are educated about recycling and sustainable living and become collection points for recycling. EKO was runner-up in the International Turner Social Impact Award in 2019. Reece represented EKO at the 5th Annual PeaceJamSA Youth Leadership Conference 2019, he was a delegate at the Young Leaders for Children Conference 2019 and the United Nations’ 25th Session of the Youth Assembly 2020 in New York. Reece has been selected as one of 12 children to sit on the newly established Children’s Advisory Team for Child Rights Connect, Protecting & Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders.