Rhys and Maria Greenland have always been interested in environmental issues from a young age. Rhys and Maria established @teetotesja at their school through the Green Generation Club about 5 years ago in support of the passage of Jamaica’s plastic ban. Teetotesja is the upcycling of old t-shirts into tee tote bags in 6 simple steps with no sewing required. The concept was also cited in the World’s Largest Lesson (WLL) pack on SDG 11. In 2018, they started a national initiative called UNICYCLE collecting and redistributing gently used uniforms in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Youth and local private sector companies. To date UNICYCLE has redistributed over 1000 uniforms and sourced 1000 masks and various school supply donations valued at close to JD2m. Through outreach and media coverage they have managed to create ongoing partnerships with a national store (Fontana) to collect the uniforms and each year they reach out to additional potential partners for in kind of financial contributions. Both want to in the future to take courses in climate science and expand their club ideas to other school clubs in Jamaica and maybe the region.