Siena is a child with several learning difficulties. She has had a very challenging educational experience including having had to move school due to disability and autism-related bullying. At 13, Siena created a website,, to mentor bright students with learning disabilities and autism. In November 2018, she launched her Neurodiversity Celebration Week campaign which encourages schools to recognize the strengths and talents of children with special needs, instead of focusing on their weaknesses and difficulties. In May 2019, over 340 schools and over 314.000 students took part in the first ever Neurodiversity Celebration Week across the UK, US and Australia. Siena is organizing a Neurodiversity Youth Summit at London’s City Hall for 300 youth and is working with organizations such as Stanford University’s Neurodiversity Project. In 2019 she helped organize protests across the UK to demand the government to adequately fund special educational needs education. She has also written a survival guide for autistic teen girls. The book will be the first written by a teen autistic girl for teen autistic girls.