

Nominated By The Children’s Movement of the Republic of Liberia (CML)

All 2021 Children’s Peace Prize Nominees

Solomane has taken onto himself the moral responsibility to speak out against violence, injustice, and segregation among kids. Solomane is one of the founders of The Children’s Movement of the republic of Liberia (CML)”. His aim is to improve the space of advocacy against injustice and violence on children. He speaks out about the lack of interest and attention that the Liberian authorities have for children. Solomane was the lead campaigner in the case of the death of a three-year-old boy and he is also an anti-rape activist. He writes series of articles and publishes them online to advocate for justice. Currently, Solomane is executing the project “Children’s must know and apply their rights”. To execute it, he moves from community to community. Solomane is also featured in a weekly radio interview enlightening Children’s about the UNCRC.