Sonyerechi’s role model is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who is a well-known Nigerian feminist, and who advocates for children’s rights, especially that of girls. Sonyerechi’s is a courageous young girl, in 2019, she singles handed stopped a child trafficking incidence in her community, she secretly and intelligently trailing the abductors of her neighbour’s girl child and reported her suspicion to a local vigilante. Furthermore, Sonyerechi gathered her classmates, and encouraged them to join her in taking the streets with placards advocating for an end of violence against children, and bullying. In addition, Sonyerechi established a children’s right club in 2021, focusing on the rights of young girls. The aim of the club is to sensitize her fellow girls on the importance of dreaming big in life and finding their voices in the society and to create a non- violent and supportive school environment. With a collaboration with her school, she introduced an initiative to provide girls with quasi entrepreneurial skills. She has assisted in girls acquiring skills in hair braiding, local necklace making, baking and peanut production. Sonyerechi plans to continue her advocacy work by creating an online platform to raise awareness on children’s rights and child protection measures in Nigeria.