Tony Ohekwuru Iji is a 13-year-old secondary school student and a talented singer, a child environmentalist and a peace advocate who released his first single at the age of 7. Amid killings and violence in Northern Nigeria as a result of Boko Haram, he decided to be a voice for his fellow children through his songs. Until now Tony has composed 4 songs in which he sings about Nigeria’s oneness, unity and world peace. As a child environmentalist, he is contributing to a cleaner Lagos through his Children for Cleaner Lagos initiative by embarking on activities meant to sensitize children on cleanliness and a healthy environment. He is the convener of Children for Peace Concert for 2 consecutive years, where he propagates the culture of peace amongst children and adults. He is currently running a media campaign on ‘preach peace, teach peace’. In the future, he plans to keep hosting Children for Peace Concert annually.