Vasundhara hails from a village named Dardaturki in Tonk district of Rajasthan. She has reached more than 180 girls through life skill education sessions and awareness on menstrual hygiene through ‘Chuppi Todo’ event. She has played an important role in generating awareness on child marriage and sexual and reproductive health and rights issues among adolescent girls in her village. She has been elected as a media in charge for the Gram Panchayat level girls federation and Secretary of Block level girls federation. She played a vital role in submission of girls demand at Gram panchayat, block and district level to authorities. She has submitted a demand to upgrade Khedula village school from 5th to 8th standard, to ask for sanitary napkins scheme benefit for private schools in the village, for incinerator for disposal of sanitary napkins etc. In the future, Vasundhara wants to strengthen girls federation so that it can be used for advocacy on girls issues at various levels and she also dreams of making a state level girls federation.