Yasmine has suffered from physical disability since birth and she has a prosthesis. Being bullied in school, she wanted to raise her voice on behalf of other disabled children who are deprived of the most important right, education. Since schools in Yemen do not register children with disabilities and schools that are ready to receive children with special needs are very few, Yasmine sought to convey a different idea to society. She joined the Children’s Parliament and was nominated by her school for the Parliament’s elections. She won the elections and she also became the vice president of the Children’s Parliament. She conducted many visits to schools to raise awareness about discrimination, child marriage, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and psychosocial support for girls with disabilities. She joined the team of Children FM radio station and the Yemeni Girls Club, which supports children’s talents. Yasmine participated with the Children’s Parliament in releasing 20 juveniles and in preparing the document of children’s right recommendations with child protection police.